Black Soldier Fly Farming 101.

Flies have a reputation for being unwelcome guests at summer barbecues and picnics. But it turns out, these pesky insects have a hidden talent - Producing protein.
Black Soldier Fly (BSF) farming is a growing industry that harnesses the power of flies to create a sustainable source of protein for animal feed and organic fertilizer. In this article, we’ll explore the surprising uses and benefits of BSF farming and how its changing the face of food production

What is Black Soldier Fly( BSF)?

The black soldier fly, is a medium sized fly of the family Stratiomyidae, characterized by its sleek black exterior and robust appearance. Common in most parts of the world, the Black Soldier Fly is not an ordinary insect and should not be underestimated!

Yogyakarta, Indonesia - 03-22-2022: a woman is taking and packing black soldier fly larvae at an insect farm in Bantul, Yogyakarta
A woman is taking and packing black soldier fly larvae at an insect farm in Bantul, Yogyakarta

Since the late 20th century, this humble fly has been playing a vital role in sustainable agriculture, circular waste management, and alternative protein production.

Black Soldier Fly Farming

Black soldier fly farming is a sustainable method of raising BSFs for food, feed, and waste management

How does Black Soldier Fly Farming Work?

BSF larvae production : Technology and Infrastructure

Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae production involves several key technologies and infrastructure components to ensure efficient and sustainable farming practices.

Necessary technology usually fall into three main categories:

  1. Waste processing equipment, to prepare the substrata that will feed the insects
  2. Controlled environment equipment, to maintain optimal environmental conditions given that BSF thrive in tropical climates
  3. Post processing equipment, like dryers, shredders or oil pressers, to kill and prepare the insects to be sold as alternative protein.

When it comes to infrastructure, a BSF farm usually presents various sections,each dedicated to a phase of the workflow and life cycle of the insect.

These are:

  • Breeding area, allowing plenty of room and optimal conditions for the insects to lay eggs
  • Hatching area,where eggs are hatched onto a nutritious starter feed and emerge as juvenile BSF ‘Seedlings’
  • Waste processing areas, a dedicated area, often called a rearing facility, is used to house the larvae and feed them organic waste, which they convert into valuable resources
  • Growing area, where the seedlings can feed on the waste substrate and mature to adult larvae
  • Post processing area, where the larvae are neutralized,sieved from their frass an then go on for drying, defatting and grinding depending on the product requirement of the factory

Use of Black Soldier Fly (BSF)

  • As decomposers/in composting: Black soldier fly larvae are used to compost waste or convert the waste into animal feed. Waste streams include fresh manure and food wastes of both animal and vegetable origin.
  • As feed: Black soldier fly larvae are used as feed for pets and livestock animals. The harvested pupae and pre pupae are eaten by poultry, fish, pigs, lizards, turtles, and even dogs
  • For producing grease: Black soldier fly larvae can be used to produce grease, which is usable in the pharmaceutical industry (e.g. in cosmetics,surfactants for shower gel),thereby replacing other vegetable oils such as palm oil.
  • For producing chitin: BSFL can be used to produce chitin. Chitin is used in shipping as an agent against biofouling It is also used in water purification.
  • For producing organic plant fertilizer: Material left over after the larval waste decomposition process ( frass) consists of larval faeces, shed larval exoskeletons, and undigested material.

Benefits of Black Soldier Fly Fishing

Black Soldier Fly farming offers a plethora of benefits, including environmental benefits, new job opportunities, and better nutrition for pets and livestock.

When it comes to environmental sustainability, using Black Soldier Fly larvae as a protein source instead of traditional options like soy, significantly reduces water waste,deforestation, and land usage.

Also,BSF farming represents a great opportunity for economic development in the global South, where this new market can generate employment, enhance food security, and improve waste management, leading to more efficient resource recovery.

Finally, the benefits extend to animals consuming the Black Soldier Fly products. For pet food, Black Soldier Fly larvae provide a complete and novel protein source that is hypoallergenic, highly digestible, and supports skin and coat health. In poultry feed, Black Soldier Fly larvae contribute to better feed conversion ratios, increased egg production, and tastier eggs with vibrant yolk colour.
Black Soldier Fly farming presents a multifaceted solution to various environmental problems. Economic, and agricultural challenges, making it a development.